Friday, August 13, 2010

31 in 31 - Day 3

Day 3 - Throughout the day, I spend time sitting in "my" recliner - relaxing, reading to one of my kids, feeding a bottle to the baby.  And this, is my view.  I love Willow trees - always have.  I find the "weeping" branches beautiful and would love to have a HUGE one where I could place a Hammock under neath the branches to relax in on a summer day.  Several years ago, we bought this try at 80% off from a local market.  Quite honestly, I didn't think it would survive.  The first summer, it got a few leaves but nothing major.  The second summer, I think it finally got leaves in July.  But now, several years later, it blocks the view from the road and it is so relaxing to see.  But there is more to this picture - notice the window sill?  The toys?  Yep - that is Josh's favorite play spot.  He lines up his cars and trucks, misc toys, books, anything he feels like up along that window sill.  The spill over to the arm of the couch, which is where he kneels for hours.  So beyond the view of the tree - I get the view of watching a little boy full of wonder as his imagination runs wild.  He's even warn the fabric through on the arm of my couch . . .but it's worth it to see "the view out of my window."

So, what's your picture for the day?  Let me know so I can check your blog!  (Or ir you don't have a blog and want to send it via e-mail let me know that too!)

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