As the schooling culture changes, more and more people are opting for various options of Homeschooling. Many of the local public schools offer opportunities for parents to use online learning at home, there are actual "Public Schools at Home", Christian online options through Bob Jones, Liberty and more, not to mention Traditional Homeschool options. But all in all, homeschooling has it's challenges and, of course, benifits.
I was thinking about why I love Homeschooling recently and thought I'd share those with you. (Aren't you thrilled?)
1) Our start date is when I want it to start. Even though I do online schooling and there is an "official" start date, I can still flex our schedule to fit us. I could schedule our first day of classes the Monday after Labor Day if I wanted. I've been watching people post first day photos since the first week in August and I am so thankful that we get to enjoy ALL of August before we even have to think about it!
2) We can take vacations whenever we want. We don't vacation often but, we can plan our vacation in the fall when stuff is less busy or the spring, before the rush hits. We can also plan 4 day camping weekends without any concern of school.
3) Co-Op. I am thankful that we get to participate in our Co-Op/Friday School. It's a fun semi-structured way to meet with out friends and still learn and have fun.
4) I have the say in what my kids learn. Even with our on-line classes, I can direct the answers back to God and the Bible; I can also skip a lesson that I feel is unnecessary and it's ok.
5) Our start time is dictated by what works for us. If my kids went to our local public school, they would have to be out waiting for the bus by 6:50 AM. I'd be getting them up by about 5:50 AM. that is ridiculous. The past few years we've started classes at about 10:00. This year I'm going to try and push our start time back up to 9:30 because the princess is going to Preschool and will arrive off the bus at about 10:45 - I'd like to have a good hour done before we have to stop for the bus.
6) Our schedule is ours. During the weeks we have co-op, I don't plan lessons for Friday since we are gone all day. When Co-op is done, we don't have lessons on Monday because I find that I need Monday to catch up from the weekend. We also set up our lessons so we can take 3 weeks off at Christmas, Birthday's off, and we even get snow days.
7) I can incorporate Bible anywhere I want. We tend to use our AWANA books for Bible so that the boys are learning and understand Bible Verses. Each year I think about adding in a more specific Bible Curriculum but until both boys can work more independently on their computer lessons (meaning, I don't need to sit with them the whole time), trying to fit in more just doesn't work.
8) I'm the only parent I have to deal with (well, and the principal aka my husband HA). If I mess up, I'm the only one that I have to "yell" out. It also means it all falls on me. When I don't have the boys read enough or practice sight words enough - that's all me.
9) We can do school in our comfy clothes :-) I actually have the boys get out of PJ's every day before class (ok most days!) - it makes for better learning but sweatpants and sweatshirts are allowed.
10) I get to see my boys every single day, all day. I love seeing them learn. I love seeing they enjoy learning and I love that we just get to hang out every day.