Wednesday, August 2, 2023

2023 Reading

 I set a goal this year to read 52 books with a sub-goal of 12 of those being non-fiction.  I'm not too off track on the total as it is week 30/31 and I've completed 27 books so far.  BUT I've only completed 1 non-fiction  - oops HA!  Obviously I enjoy reading fiction much more than Non-Fiction.  I took some time the other day to put together my current stack of "to read" books in order to get myself motivated to read again.  

I read a quite a few books on my Kindle but I also have lots of paperback books to read too.  The stack on the left is my current stack of Fiction books I'm hoping to get read in the next few months.  For the record, I do a lot of my reading in the car while I'm waiting for my guys to finish whatever they are doing - Youth Group, Lessons, etc.  So I get much more reading done during the school year.  

"The Lady of Galway Manor" and "A Dance in Donegal" are both by the same author - a new one to me - but who is compared to some of my favorite authors so I'm hopeful they will be ask good. 

"Feather's of Hope" is by a favorite author of mine, Sharon Brown.  She has a different style of writing than a lot of authors I read; she is more thoughtful and purposeful in her writing making it deeper to read. 

"Under the Tulip Tree" and "Come Down Somewhere" are books that just looked good and were on the bargain table at my favorite Christian Book store :-) 

The stack on the right is my current stack of Non-Fiction books.  Now, I'm a little lose with the "Non-Fiction" idea because I include Bible Study Books.  Spending time in a Bible Study is, well, time consuming if I'm being honest.  It's a good thing to let consumer you but that also takes up some of my reading time. 

"Through the Desert" is my current Bible Study I'm doing within an online group.  I chose this one because it is written my one of my long time friends, Lina, and she has an amazing way of presenting the Bible and Biblical truths. 

"Prairie Fires" is about Laura Ingalls Wilder who I just love.  This will be one of those books that I read a chapter at a time and then ponder it.  This might take me the rest of the year to read. 

There is another small Bible Study book called "Pease Be Still" which is not as in-depth as many so I'm looking forward to doing that one after I finish my current one. 

The rest in the stack are just good non-fiction books that I've been wanting to read and just haven't made the time. I often read multiple books at once so I imagine I will be reading a few of these at once and taking some notes. 

And then I found two more Non-Fiction books to add to my list HA!  
If I read all of these by December I will be one short on my total of 12!  I guess I need to find one more to add to my stack of books!