Sunday, May 22, 2011

Getting To Know YOU!

Well, my normal Sunday posts of challenges (aka a no brainer type of post meaning that I don't have to think of the topic!) seems to be dwindling for now so, I have seen this one going around and thought I would link up for a few weeks at least.  You can link up by clicking HERE or you can just go blog stalk people and learn all kinds of things about people you don't know LOL

1. What's your favorite rainy day activity?
I love to curl up with a good book or a good movie and just kick back in the recliner for the day.  Now, with little kids - that doesn't always work out that way but that is how I would spend them if I could!

2. What time do you go to bed?
Normally I go at 10:30 during the week but on Friday and Saturday night it is often closer to midnight.

3. How many magazines do you subscribe to?
I only get one and that is a gift from my mom - Country Living.  I used to subscribe to quite a few but made the decision to let them all expire and than decide what I really wanted.  I have requested quite a few free issues of various magazines but none have enticed me enough to buy them.  BUT my mom passes her magazines on to me so that is very nice!

4. Did you sell all your belongings because you thought the world was ending yesterday?  No I didn't but I do want to say that I actually feel very bad for Harold Camping and all of those that truly believed his prediction.  I don't think he was out to do anything wrong but rather, really believed, after all of his study, that he was right.  I don't think he should be mocked or made fun of but rather, left alone.

5. What's your beauty obsession?
I don't think I currently have one.  All of those things were put aside for now - obsessions cost money LOL

6. If you could only wear one designer/brand for the rest of your life . . .what would it be?
I have no idea.  I used to only shop at Lord and Taylor years ago and loved their clothes but right now I'm more casual - jeans, t-shirts, shorts - anything that is easy to crawl on the floor in is good for me.

7. What's your summer must have?
Flip Flops and Sandals. 

8. Do you make weekly dinner menus?
Absolutely!!  I would be lost with it.

There ya go :-)  Hope you had a wonderful Sunday!