The song I picked for Worship Wednesday is "Empty Me" by Chris Sligh. If you are an American Idol watcher, you may remember Chris Sligh from a few seasons ago. No, he didn't win, but like most of the "unwinners", he went on to some success of his own. In his case, the Christian music side of the world. I first heard this song several years ago when it first came out and liked it. Than I figured out - or heard- the story behind it. He talks about being in the spotlight and how easy it is to stray but than proclaims:
Empty me
Of the selfishness inside
Every vain ambition
And the poison of my pride
And any foolish thing my heart holds to
Lord empty me of me
So i can be
Filled with you
And, really, shouldn't that be the pray that each of us proclaims - that we be emptied of our selfishness? To be Filled with Christ?
I hope you enjoy song # 1 on my player this week!