Sunday, February 10, 2013

February Goals

Check out my January goals HERE!

Now it is time to plan for February!!  I'm using my 101 in 1001 goals list to plan my monthly goal lists in order to accomplish as many of those as well!

1. Work on the landscaping/yard plan - this was on January's list but I really didn't spend time on it. I haven't even looked at this yet! 
2. Get a coat rack for the stairs and hang it up. This hasn't happened - I seriously forget to even look for one when I'm out!
3. Start saving to paint the house - the first big project that costs $$$. We are on target to get this done :-)

1. Start a Savings account for Nate- just so it has the same amount as Josh's so we can go from there. This is done!
2. Continue to try and conquer the diaper boys!! (I.e. Potty Trian!) A work in progress
3. Complete Lessons with the boys - goal is to finish letter C, Review A, B, and C and do lesson D. We had a slow month - lots of time away.
4. Do 3 activities (crafts, games, etc) separate from Homeschool We made birthday cards and also made a snowman craft.
5. Have a movie night with the boys and pop popcorn! Movies are not on the top of my boys list right now - this isn't hapening.

1. Scrapbooking - I'm going to a weekend crop so with that in mind my goals are: 1) Complete July-October 2012.  So close!  I finished July- mid- October . . .
2. Get Earphones for the mp3 player and load music on it Another one of those things I just don't think about.
3. Increase my steps - I average about 5500 steps a day right now so I'd like to increase it to 8000 steps a day. Total Fail.
4. Read another book on my Topic Study Nope.
5. Begin Memorizing "The Sermon on the Mount" Nope
6. Learn to play 2 piano songs Nope
7. Work on healthy lunches for me - I struggle with this and go in cycles of eating really healthy, good for me lunches and eating crap because I'm digging through the fridge trying to find something to eat.  I'd really like to build a 4 week rotation of meals (overlapping many) just so that it is easy :-)  I feel like I was hardly home to eat lunch this month???

1. Read and do The Husband Project Haven't even started it.
2. Get Dental Insurance Just didn't take the time yet
3. Order and begin "A Word a Day" Calendar ORDERED!!!
4. Open a savings account (membership) in my name for our true savings Done
5. Have a movie night with the hubs (I.e. I think we will actually be going out to a movie this month!) Done!  We actually saw two movies this month :-)
6. Plan March's budget before March 1st! Done!

1. Schedule at least one camping trip  Done - actually scheduled two - which is what we wanted to do this summer.

1. Read "How to Photograph your baby" and do it! Grrrr - so easy yet I didn't do it.
2. Make a list of 100 things about me Nope
3.  Make the John Deere blanket for Nate Nope
4. Pick out 4 things from Pinterest to make/do this month In progress

1. THE BASEMENT It is about 90 % there!!
2. Organize Recipes into two binders.
3. Organize all manuals into three ring binders
4. Organize all of our tax documents into a file box

1. Plan and do something fun for Valentines with the family (Note: The kids will be with Papa and Nana on Valentines day so I'm giving us the whole month to do something!)  Didn't do a thing - focusing on St  Patrick's Day!