Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Happy Anniversary to Us!

It was 19 years ago today that I married my best friend.  We met on-line through a Christian Matchmaker website and the rest was history! 

 Great memories of a great day!  It was everything I every dreamed of. 
 We went on a cruise for our honeymoon and it was just amazing
We added two kids to our family a few years later (This is one of my all time favorite photos!) 

Another favorite from about 6 years ago at a family gathering.  This was just a few days before Darryl's major back surgery
This is us now  . . .well almost a year ago :-)  Another favorite! 

I'm so thankful for my wonderful husband.  He brings joy, fun, and wisdom to our home.  I appreciate the way he thinks through things and solves problems and how he makes us ALL laugh . . .a lot!