As I mentioned last week, we are having a lot of fun learning in different ways and we started out this past week with a "winner". Are you ready?
Yes, we learned about Static Electricity. On Sunday morning while I was . . . .well, still resting in bed . . .they decided to unzip one of the bean bags to see what it looked like on the inside. They discovered it looked like snow and decided to create a snow storm. It was everywhere. I really couldn't (and didn't) get mad especially when Nate looked at me and said, "Mom, you don't have to say it, I won't do this again."
The good news is that my boys love to vacuum and begged and begged to vacuum so I let them. Two hours later we were done. Granted, little bean bag pieces of puke showed up the entire week in the oddest places like in the sink, on my desk, in our lunches . . ..
We also learned that grape Popsicles turn months purple (except by the time we got the picture most of it was gone!)
And that if we put our hand closer to the camera, it is blurry. (And that "white" Popscicles taste really good . . .kinda like Lemonade.)
And, finally, we learned how to turn a table upside down and use it to do gymnastics. Josh did this too but I was unable to get a photo.
I think it is time to get back to book learning .. oh wait, the kids are gone this week :-)