We are heading out on another camping weekend. This is what I learned the last time we camped about a month ago. I don't want to cook. For real. I felt like I spent so much time prepping, cooking and cleaning up it just took some of the fun away. So, I'm doing it a little differently this time - keeping it simple. The other thing I'm doing is shopping when we get in town. This is two fold. One, I'm only taking our electric cooler this time - we used it last time and loved it. It is so much easier to use without having to dig through ice. Two, we are leaving early in the morning to head to a church over an hour away where my husband is doing a concert (well 2) that morning. I don't have the cooler space to use for the food! I am taking our small cooler with ice to house the things I already have on hand but space will be limited.
Friday - Taco Pizzas, Beans and Rice (I never made this last week)
Saturday -Beefy Noodle Casserole, Salad and Garlic Bread, (A carry over from last week too)
Sunday - Camping Day One. Lunch - out; Dinner - Hot Dogs (over the fire so no clean up!), Chips and Dip, and a store bought salad.
Monday - Camping Day Two. Breakfast: Cereal (no cooking!); Lunch - out; Dinner - Steak Kabobs (for real over the fire so no clean up!), Chips and Dip and Store bought salad
Tuesday - Camping day three: Breakfast: Cereal; Lunch - On the road on the way home; Dinner - Chicken Quasidillas, Rice and Chips at home!
Wednesday - Dinner with my mom :-)
Thursday - I haven't planned this far. I'll need to go grocery shopping by this day so I'll plan accordingly.
Do you realize that this Menu ends on SEPTEMBER 1ST!!!!