If you would like to check out what I completed in February, just click HERE . I've updated what I'm doing, what I nixed, and what is on hold.
In going back through my February Too Cute Posts - this is what I want to accomplish this month and my plan on how I want to get it done since there are quite a few! .
So, i have the supplies for this but haven't made it. I think the whole idea, with the basic supplies, is going into my "Summer project bin". Something to do on a rainy (or really hot) day.
I want to make ONE, yep just one page for each of the boys for a quiet book.
I have supplies to do my first page - I'm actually starting with a farm page - I just have to take the time to do it. A lot of cutting and some sewing to do - I think it needs to be a Saturday project :-)
Still need to get the supplies and make this - it is on my goal list for our first camping trip in June.
Getting ready for camping and trips to the beach - I want to make one of these big beach blankets.
Sometimes I don't think through a process. I am not making these -they will not work on my boys beds due to the set-up and the fact that one has drawers.
The boys would love these to hang on their beds and keep their favorite animals close - this is a "bonus" project . .. not sure if I will get it done, if not it will move ahead a month.
With spring coming- I want some rainy day things for inside the house - so I want these made :-)
I'm throwing around the idea of buying some others that I found so I haven't made these yet.
Made these - fantastic. Check out the post HERE
Yummy! An easy recipe to add as a dessert one week.
I have a bottle of foam soap to use up and then I'll make this and see if it works.
I have the stuff to make this but am waiting to use up the first bottle of soap - the soap is ALMOST gone!! Soon I can try this :-)
My goal is to make 3 of these muffin tin recipes. There are quite a few I'd like to try (not all of them - some of them make my stomach turn HA!)
I have not made a single one - after re-reading them, they really didn't interest me.
This will be one of our Easter crafts for preschool.
I totally failed Easter Crafts HA I still want to make this - I'm thinking in May would be good since the birds will all be back! Again, I think the supplies will go in the summer fun bin :-)
I will be ordering two of these :-) These will be awesome for when we go away, go camping, or just travel to Nana's.
I have these marked in Etsy and will be ordering in May so we have them for camping!
Planning to pick out our first chapter book to read with the boys.
We have started reading Little House in the Big Woods - but my boys are typical boys and sitting and listening to a book is not high on their list. I'm trying though :-)
Another fun recipe to try :-)
So, I bought some lofthouse cookies a few weeks ago and said to myself, "Why try to imitate perfection?" So nope, not even going to try.
This will be a craft for preschool this month.
The directions on this craft are so crazy that I decided not to try - if I can't follow the directions, how can I make it???
This is one of those "iffy" ideas - I'd like to make at least one of the crafts but these might need to get pushed to next month.
They made one at church. Does that count?
Same with this one - it might be too early to put this out.
This is back on the radar again :-) Time to feed the birds!!!