Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hand print Spiders

I saw this posted at Oopsey Daisy and just loved it.  We made them today! 

You will need:
Orange scrapbook paper
Patterned Scrapbook paper
Black paint
Wiggly Eyes

First, I painted Nate's hand and helped him make a print.  I reapplied paint and had him make a second print.  Than I used the black to fill in the body a little more.

I did it again with Josh's hand.  Now, understand, Josh HATES things on his hands so trying to get him to let me paint his whole hand was kinda funny.

Cut out the hand prints and adhere them to the patterned paper.  Attach the eyes and don't forget the name and date!
Aren't these cute????  I plan on making these every year until the boys are too big - which will be when they move out because they will always need to do what I say :-) hehehehe  I just think it will be fun to watch the size of their hands grow! 

The link above gives even more detail and more pictures so feel free to check it out ! (Trying to keep the painted hands off of me took precedence over getting pictures!)

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 7

Day 7 - Favorite Movies
Let see if I can think of any!  I used to have lots of Favorite movies but we don't see very many anymore so I can't even remember!

1. Anne of Green Gables - the Whole Series
2. Everafter

3. The Land Before Time Series

4. Grease

5. Home Alone (Our Christmas Movie!)

6. Titanic
7. What's Eating Gilbert Grape

Make sure and check out Katies Journey to see her posts as well as all the other link ups!  I really looking forward to seeing the posts today just to see other movie ideas.