My blog has lacked a little bit over the past several months. The easy thing to say, and it is true, is that "life got in the way." We have been very boring people for the past year which just means we haven't done much. We are hopeful now that Darryl is slowly getting back to work we can start planning things like fun little day trips and activities, crafting plans for me and other fun things along the way. I've been re-hashing ideas for my blog and this is what I'm hoping to start posting:
Monday - "Make it Monday". Since I accomplish most of my crafting or creativity on the weekends I decided to make Monday the day I post about it. It might be a holiday craft, an organization idea or some cleaning tip I picked off of Pinterest and tried.
Tuesday - "Teaching Tuesdays". I'll share our homeschool adventure from the week before. Picture of just our general day but also any fun stuff we do like crafts, experiments or field trips. This might also include my simple reviews of our curriculum or ideas for organizing homeschool chaos in a tiny space.
Wednesday - "What we're eating" I don't always have new recipes to share but when I do they will show up on Wednesdays. I may also just share fun snack ideas, my favorite kitchen tools and total failures that I try :-)
Thursday - "Thoughtful Thursdays" This is the place I'll share everything from a book review to what I'm reading to what I'm learning in a Bible Study to some other truth I want to share. This is also where my goals for the month will show up and also the recap :-)
Friday - "Food Friday". But in this case it will be our weekly menu. I hope to clean up my "recipe" section on the blog (I got lazy with that!) so I can provide links for the recipes I'm using again (and again).
Saturday and Sunday - These days are reserved for posts about the family. The best snap shots of the week, some adventure we went on, "Things my Kids say", holiday posts ect.
I plan on putting this new plan into place starting Saturday with lots of fun pictures! If I miss a day here or there it's ok - I may not have anything to share or sometimes, life gets busy. With homeschool, babysitting, AWANA, soccer going on, Choir Practice and more . . .days are sometimes short!