I thought in this post, I would copy info from my brother Jeff, my sister-in-law Nora and my niece and nephew - all who have written some informative and even encouraging posts as they walk this journey.
First, from Brittany, my niece:
Today we found out that my mom, Nora McMaster, has stage three lung cancer. She has never smoked in her life, so you can imagine this was a shock to our entire family. On December 29 she will meet with her cancer specialist and her surgeon ...who will be responsible for removing part, if not all, of her left lung. We know that God is in control, but we also know that this will be a hard battle for all of us to face. We ask for your continued prayers and support throughout this time. Any comments of encouragement you wish to leave on this wall for Nora would be greatly appreciated and I know would help her get through the rough days ahead
Than, my brother has posted the following:
Thank you all for your prayers. Nora had her biopsy on the mass in her left lung, and the doctor told us after the procedure that she has stage 3 lung cancer (we are still dealing with the shock that, of all places, its in her lungs when she has never smoked). Next week, on Wednesday, Dec. 29, we have our first appoi...ntment with both the oncologist and the thoracic surgeon so they can prepare the plan of attack
as well as this
Looks like treatment will involve chemotherapy, radiation, and the removal of at least part of a lung. God has been wonderful in directing us to good doctors who are being proactive and thorough, and He is continuing to do so by giving her the same oncologist that treated Lance Armstrong. Our God is awesome and is gi...ven her the best that there is! Please continue to pray that God is glorified as we walk this road
And Nora wrote this:
just got home from the biopsy (still loopy from drugs)....The dr has informed us I have stage 3 lung cancer. They have made an appointment with a thorastic surgeon and an oncologist(one of the best in the world, he was lance armstrong's dr) next wednesday..I know God is in control, thank you for your continued prayers
And finally from my Nephew Brandon
For those who dont know, my mom cancer is stage three, and will know have to be endure chemo, radiation, and eventually surgery to remove part of, if not all of her left lung.........
I felt the need to share each of those so that you have the "story". Pray for each one of them as they walk this road. I will continue to post updates as we learn more after her next appointment.
Again, if you would like contact info for Jeff and Nora please feel free to let me know. I know that they would appreciate prayers, cards, and any other encouragement. Nora enjoys reading, decorating (so magazines she would enjoy!), and Coffee
Thank you!