Monday, February 28, 2022

March Goal Post

 It's been awhile since I've posted goals.  I think it's been since like last October.  Life got really busy and I got really behind on so many things that really, I was just working on a day-by-day plan just to make sure we finished what had to be done - especially with school.  I did write out my 2022 goal list before the end of 2021 but then I just didn't have time to really devote to it or to making a plan.  Our school year has been tough which means I'm spending much of my day on school (which is fine because as homeschooler's that is really what we should be doing!)  As we've started our 2nd semester I feel like we have finally gotten into a good middle school groove that works for all of us and we are actually working right on schedule.  The shift to having 2 kids in middle school level work and the work load that comes along with that was huge.  Last year I had an elementary kid who could basically do all of his own work but 6th grade is a whole different ball game which meant more time for me to work with him.  I'm hopeful that this new routine will carry us through not just this semester but also next year before we jump into high school (WHAT???)  

Anyway, as I said, I did write goals for 2022 and it's pretty detailed.  I'm not going to lay it all out on here.  I do want to get back to the list of monthly goals though not so much for others that may (or may not) read them but for myself because it is fun for me to look back at past years and see what has been accomplished. My goal is to have 22 items (see what I did there?) each month that I want accomplished. 

Here's the plan for March: 

1. I'm working on following a "Declutter" calendar from a blog that I've followed for years.  My goal is to finish all of the March tasks and also to catch up on any tasks from January and February that are not done. 

2. Work in the basement - we had made a lot of progress last year but then we added drums and a "band" space for all my guys to play together and stuff got "shoved".  The plan is to drag everyone to the basement one day in March and spend a few hours working together.  That way we can sort and get things out together.  Josh is really great at this - he worked by himself a few times last year.  

3. Scrapbooking - I was really organized and well planned the last year and a half but then I stopped scrapbooking for a bit and am now a little unsure of where I stand.  Therefore I have a few goals with scrapbooking.  A) Get all of my pages that are done into albums and make a list of where I'm at for the 4 years I'm working on B) Write down where I'm at ordering photos so I don't re-order photos.  C) Set aside one weekend at least to scrapbook D) Upload all photos from my phone and camera and continue work on organizing my photos 

4) Lego Room/Play Room - We have some old bookshelves that we attached to the wall years ago but they are about ready to fall apart.  I want to get those emptied and taken down.  This will also open up a little space for storage and a Lego Building area. 

5) Reading - My goal this year is to read 52 books this year with 12 of them being non-fiction.  So my goal this month will be to read a total of 4 books - 3 for fun and 1 for learning.  I also want to sent up a Pinterest or Facebook page to record what I read all year. I did join an on-line book club this year so that will help with my reading too! 

6) Music - Learn one piano song this month and then play it at church as a prelude.  Also, work on a special music number. 

7) Family Fun - We always try to head to where Darryl and I got engage in March so that is on the plan.  Darryl and I also trying to go on a "date" once a month (even a simple coffee shop visit is fine).  Also plan some future events - maybe some concerts that are coming up or camping trips this summer, etc.  I just need to get an idea on some dates and costs to see what we can actually do 

8) Bible Study - Complete my Bible Study 3 days a week and create my prayer journal  

9) Make Darryl's to do list :-)  And then get some of those things done! 

10) Learn how to make a really good Shrimp and Grits. 

11) Restock our toiletry and medicine cabinet.  

12) Update my holiday plan - I still need to do Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and now Valentine's.  Plus plan St. Patrick's Day and look ahead at Easter. 

13) Wrap up our Co-op Semester and turn in my classes for the fall. 

14) Clean out my vehicle - it always gets a little crazy between October and March when I don't want to stand outside and clean it out! 

15) Work with Nate to clean his room and move stuff that he wants moved. 

16) Finish filing our Taxes - normally I'm done by now but we are waiting on some paperwork still that we've told should be here by the end of February so we will see! 

17) Put memorabilia in completed scrapbooks. This will free up some file space too! 

18) Spend less money :-)  Really it is "track our spending" - when I track it and plan it out each week, we spend much less because it is already accounted for and it gives me a goal to work towards each week.  (And in case you didn't know, I like goals!) 

19) Get my steps in every day.  Now the the weather will hopefully be slightly better for walking this will be easier. 

20) Do Yogo (or Mindful Stretching) once a week.  A few years ago, Nate did a "Yoga" style class at our Co-Op and I was able to help in it a few times and actually like it.  I'd like to find a super easy "beginning" program online to follow.  Who knows, maybe I'll like it more HA!

21) Go through my kids closets and figure out what fits (or doesn't fit!) for the summer.  It won't be long and it will be time to buy all the summer goods! 

22) Mattress shop.  Who knew buying a new Mattress is almost more stressful than buying a car (which we are in the process of doing right now!!) but it is!  Darryl's back requires certain things with a mattress so it makes it harder to find what will work.  So we will see! 

Whew - that is a tough list of 22 really.  This is one time I think it might be more than can handled in one month but will see how it goes - I might need to trim this back to like . . .11 (Half of 22 in case you were wondering) next month.