Have you seen the ads for the "Dollar Shave Club" popping up lately? Well, I have and I checked it out! It seems like my husband always runs out of razors yet I so dislike spending anywhere from $10.00-$20.00 on a pack of razors. The prices at the
Dollar Shave Club really are "that" good and it gets great reviews. A friend of mine on Facebook took an unofficial survey to see who was using The Dollar Shave Cub and if they liked it - quite a few people responded with positive things to say.
So, what would I do with an extra $100.00 that I could save by using the Dollar Shave Club to
purchase razors?
1. Four of my favorite scented large candles from Yankee Candle!
2. A shopping spree at William Sonoma - A favorite kitchen store where I can always find things but seldom buy anything.
3. New charms for my Pandora Bracelet.
4. Paint and decor items for my living room.
5. A Fit bit!
What would you do with a $100.00 if you could save it by using The Dollar Shave Club?