Saturday, May 18, 2019

Our Week in Photo #19

Here's our week!

 On Saturday, we met friends at the park.  It was only about 50 degrees so it was chilly - a perfect day to play!  
 We went to our favorite wooden park.  We need to go more before these two get too big to go to parks. 
 On the way home, we had to stop at Meijer and they just happened to doing a "decorate a cupcake" activity so the boys did just that.  And yes, they were good. 
 For dinner we did something we rarely do - we got Papa Murphy's pizza.  I considered it an early Mother's Day present - easy dinner HA! 

We love our cat. 

Sunday - Mother's day!  We started with breakfast at home and then went to my sister-in-laws

My boys and me! 
These were the gifts the boys got me.  Now, lets keep it real.  I picked out the necklaces from my friends jewlery.  She wrapped them all up and even threw in a free necklace.  The boys were not thrilled that I did that (lesson learned HA).  They did get me Biggby gift cards though which I love! 

I shared these photos in a previous post but on Tuesday we got some outside time in finally. 

 On Wednesday the boys and I had some furniture to move.  We are gaining some new furniture from my mom when she moves.  Well, the animals all love when something new happens! 
 The cat claimed this sideways chair as his own. 

 The dog was like, 'What's up with the couch?" (Gottta love Lazy Boy - the backs all come off!) 

Finally we met my mom at her NEW home!  Yes!  Now on to moving! 

We will be busy with moving details the next few days.  Technically there should be photos but I'm guessing I won't get a chance to post them on Friday night (and this goes live on Saturday!)  So I'll share those later in the week!