Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas Break

First of all,  I must wish Nathan a very happy 6th birthday!!!  It's hard to believe this special little boy is 6 already . . .he's been saying he is 6 for weeks HA!  I'll share more about his birthday a little later! 

Last week I posted my Plan:

Here's my plan:
Monday - We will do all Math lessons for both boys and all Social Studies lessons.  Josh also has journals to finish so we will write 3 journal entries.  - Done and then some.  We actually finished almost all of Nate's lessons today
Tuesday - The boys have dentist appointments in the morning and the munchkin has a half day so we will be wrapping up some Christmas art projects on Tuesday.  - The Munchkin was sick so it was just Josh and Nate.  We went to the dentist and were also able to go to the Library like normal since we didn't have to be back for the bus.
Wednesday - We will do all Language arts lessons. All the Live Lessons were cancelled today so we had extra time and were able to get all of the lessons done today!  WHOO WHOO!  Josh finished the last of his journals and we did a happy dance.  Two and a half weeks for Christmas break is my kind of break!
Thursday - We will do all Science lessons and finish up any random assignments that didn't get done earlier in the week.  Today we get to enjoy break.  We are celebrating Nate's birthday with the Munchkin and Princess so Nate and I will bake a cake and get it decorated, I have gifts to wrap, and stuff to get ready for our field trip tomorrow (Making sure we have coats, hats, mittens etc.)
We are at the end of most units so we can just review and finish up tests.  

Image result for Christmas Break

So, with that said, we are planing to enjoy the next two weeks off. 
The boys love saying, "I don't have to do school until 2016!" 
Personally, I have some planning to do so we are ready to get back into our regular school routine in January, get the boys learning more sight words (I've let this lag a little over the last 6 weeks) and plan how to get some more fun stuff in place too.  

So, Merry Christmas!! 

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