Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weekly Challenge # 4 - Gift Wrap Center

This week's weekly challenge from Toni at A Bowl Full of Lemons is to create a Gift Wrap Center.  I really love this idea and over the years have done a few things to try and make this happen but other things always seem to gain importance over either creating it or keeping the area clean.  I really love the way the guest poster created her space and am now kinda mulling ideas over in my head of 1) Where to build this little space 2) How to best make it work for me 3) When to do this project.  There is no way that this will get done this week - too many other things going on this week so I'm going to add this to my "Simplify" list for the year. (Check out my two current posts here and here)  Personally, I love to wrap gifts on my bed - it is the perfect height and there is a huge space to roll stuff out yet no real place to store the supplies.  BUT I have a space in the basement to do this as well . . so I'm not really sure which way will simplify the best. I'm still trying to figure out where to hide gifts in the future since all of old hiding places now house two little boys LOL  Here are pictures of my current "attempt".
 Sad, isn't it? LOL  I use the rolling cart to hold all of my tissue paper - which has been the best part of my gift center station.  The other container holds wrapping paper. 
Than, this is my table.  Yep, need to clean that baby off again - it doesn't take long it just is hard to find time to get downstairs to do this with the little boys :-)  See that big blue "thing" on the back of the table - that holds all of my bags.  I've learned a valuable lesson . .. you can have two many gift bags ;-)  I find I still end up buying more because there are so many stuffed in there it is too hard to search!! 

So, for now, this spot will have to wait but you will see it sometime this year as I simplify my life!

1 comment:

Delightful Order said...

Good luck in deciding what will work best for you. Soon, I will be posting on another gift wrap area that I did for a client of mine, check it out (I'll post it next week)maybe it'll give you some more ideas...