Friday, September 1, 2023

Weekly Menu - The unofficial end to summer

 While we all know that summer really doesn't end until mid-September when Fall officially starts, Labor Day weekend is the unofficial end to summer as Schools jump back into full swing and life returns to a different pace and schedule.  We officially start school this coming week, all be it slowly, and then all of the "stuff" starts the following week.  This summer felt more busy than it has in the past and, because of that, it has kind of flown by.  

Our menu took a fast right turn this last week when our area got hit with storms, tornados, and straight line winds last Thursday evening.  While we had no ill effects from the storm, just a 1/2 mile from us there was damage and power outages that lasted for days.  That meant I did not actually do grocery shopping until Saturday evening so I switched my menu to accommodate what I had on hand. Then, my oldest brother made a quick trip back to my mom's so we had dinner with them one evening.  Finally, on Tuesday, a friend of mine who owns a catering business texted me and said, "Don't cook dinner!  We have tons of food left over from an event this weekend and I'm bringing you dinner".  Not only did she bring enjoy for Tuesday, we had enough for dinner on Wednesday too.  What a true blessing that was!  

With all of that said, here's the plan for the coming week. 

Friday: Homemade Chicken Pot Pie and a Salad

Saturday - Our plans are up in the air at the writing of this.  We might head towards the Lakeshore for a concert and if not, maybe we will actually have a bonfire and roast some things over the fire.  

Sunday - Beef Acini Soup and French Bread 

Monday - Labor Day!  We are heading to my moms. 

Tuesday - I am going to a Ladies Dine Out.  I plan to leave stuff for BBQ cups and chips for the guys. 

Wednesday - meatloaf and crash potatoes 

Thursday- stuffed shells and salad

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