Monday, June 5, 2023

Summer Time Planning


The past few summers I've taken a few weeks to plan out our summer - no matter how simple or . . . well, not simple.  This year I haven't thought much about it before now!  I feel like as my guys get older, I plan a little less and let them do the things they enjoy more.  While I miss some of the planning like lap books and crafts, I also enjoy the fact that they have things they love, friends they like to do things with and that they can entertain themselves!  With that said, I am still doing some planning for the sake of experiencing a few things in the midst of our laid back summer time.  

In reality our June kind of planned itself for the most part.  We will finish up school next week.  The following week has a couple of field trips planned.  Then comes two weeks of camp - 1 week with both guys involved and then Joshua is off to summer camp for a week.  Added in to that is my brother and sister-in-law are coming for a couple of weeks means we have a lot going on!  The rest of the summer is kind of quiet so I hope to maybe put a few things in to keep the summer days from getting to long! 

When I plan for the summer I try to keep days "themed" - mostly because I like consistency.  For example, Monday might be "sport" day - we will go up to the local baseball field and throw footballs, play a game of kick ball or throw a baseball around (by "we" I mean the kids HA!).  Tuesday will be "travel Tuesday" - we will head out to a local park, walking trail, or the airport viewing park.  Wednesday is "Wet Wednesday" - our friends have a pool we can use sometimes so hopefully we can do that on Wednesday or we will head to a local lake, splash pad or set out sprinklers and water guns.  Thursday is for the library program.  Friday is always "Free Friday" - maybe we will swim in our friends pool or we will just hang out at home.  Now, truth be told, some weeks we do nothing HA!  

Also I try to have everyone "unplug" for a bit each day.  I kick everyone outside for at least 30 minutes in the morning before it gets too hot.  Then in the afternoon we are either off doing the things listed above or we read and play a game or some other fun things for about an hour.  Again, truth be told . .. some days we don't unplug and just stay inside and stay cool - especially by the end of July!  

A few years ago I made an amazing summer calendar with activities and plans and all kinds of fun stuff.  We did about 20 % of it LOL  So now I plan less and look for opportunities to do things spur of the moment.  

The other thing I love about our laid back summer is I plan to get some things done too.  From cleaning and organizing to scrapbooking - things I don't always have a lot of time for during the school year.  My blog usually gets a little more active during the summer too as I have more time to plan :-)  .  

So, starting next week on Mondays I will start sharing our "Week of Summer Fun" with a recap of what we did the week before and hopefully some photos!  

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