Tuesday, February 2, 2021

February Reading Goal

Even though I list my reading goal within my monthly goals, I like to post my specific books as well.  I have big aspirations for reading this year and I feel like this helps me be more accountable. 

  1. It all Starts at Home - I won this book through a blog about 10 years ago.  I think I might have started it once but, at the time, I was living the toddler life and didn't read much HA! 
  2. Taming the To-Do List - I bought this book years ago because, well, I'm a HUGE to-do list maker.  I don't think having a To-Do list is a bad thing but I think sometimes they can be controlling if a person isn't careful.  I'm curious to see the take on this topic by the author. 
  3. Stripped - is the book from January I didn't get read.  The author is a good friend of mine so I'm hoping it's good HA! 
  4. Training Hearts and Teaching Minds - is the family devotional book we are trying to start.  It is a Monday - Saturday book and it seems like each Monday something happens to keep us from all sitting down to dinner.  We might need to do Tuesday- Sunday instead HA! 
  5. When Twilight Breaks and All That We Carried - These are two fiction books that were recommended on a blog I follow from my favorite book store, Baker Book House.  I don't usually order books online from the store but the price was right for each and there was free shipping.  I'm looking forward to reading both of them this month. 

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