Saturday, February 6, 2021

2021 Week in Photos #5

 Welcome to another week of photos (or sometimes lack of photos HA!) 

Saturday - We had a quiet day at home.  I got some scrapbooking projects done and we went to my mom's for dinner and to play cards :-) 

Sunday - We were "snowed in" :-)  I love a good snow storm. 

We are very thankful for the snow blower - it was my dad's.  When my mom moved, it landed in our garage and we are not complaining!  

Monday -  It was a beautiful day.  We had a full day of school and accomplished a lot! 

Tuesday and Wednesday - School all day :-) 

Thursday - There was talk of a snow storm coming in on Thursday night so I decided to hit the grocery store on Thursday morning.  My mom invited us over for lunch when I dropped off her groceries and, as I was driving there, we learned that the schools were dismissing early!  It was a crazy day!  It was also the Princess' birthday so we got to celebrate her! 

Friday - What a wonderful day!  We got to sleep in, everyone was home (even Darryl!) due to the snow storm, our friends stayed home and we just hung out!  I got a lot of things done and loved watching the snow! 
So, the dog wouldn't go out.  HA!  Josh went outside and shoveled the deck and side walk.  Then, he shoveled paths for the dog - one so he can go under the trampoline and one so he can get onto the side patio.  The dog finally went out once he had a path! 
Josh was tired! 
Nate loves the swing set.  He also loved jumping into the snow. 
And sliding down into the snow drifts. 
And he also loved standing in the "snow throw"!! 
Nate also wanted to learn how to use the snow blower.  He did a few swipes.  It won't be long he will be big enough to do the whole driveway. 

Josh walking to shovel off the front porch.  See that path he is walking in?  Darryl snow blew that.  Why?  For the Amazon deliveries HA!  For real.  What?  I order things I forget at the store like Dramamine for my kid that gets car sick! The path actually goes all the way to the neighbors driveway so we have a path to get to their house if we need something :-)  

So I guess our week was school and snow! 

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