Thursday, August 20, 2020

Grove Cleaning Products

Recently my mom placed an order from a company called Grove mostly to get some free things but in the end, she found that she loved the products.  She shared some with me (and did some cleaning one day while I was gone) and I just loved the smell and how clean things were when she was done.  That inspired me to place my own order and try out more of their products. 

 This box showed up on my doorstep almost a whole week earlier then promised and there was a hand written note on top (Jacquelyn - Stay safe!) Even the box made me feel good about ordering! 

 The best part about this box?  Over half of it was free for being a first time order!  
 This was my complete order.  Again, over half of it was free. (My cat is SUPER curious!)  
 I was most excited about this - Room Freshener.  My mom had given a bottle of the multi-surface cleaner and I just loved the smell so I used it to spray around my house to freshen it up HA!  Well, now I have this!  Darryl loves it too and wants some for his cab.  
 Notice the photo bomber? HA! 
 This cleaner is awesome.  It cleans so well and leaves everything smelling great.  I have the honeysuckle and decided to try Apple Cider.  My one "complaint" is that there are some things, like the multi-purpose spray, that I couldn't order multiples of in the same smell - otherwise I would have ordered all honeysuckle. 
This wrinkle reducer spray was one of the free items so I decided to try it (instead of switching it out for something else).  I hate to iron and Darryl has a few shirts that need "just a little" ironing.  I'm hoping this helps me out! 

Who knew cleaning products could be so exciting? 

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