Monday, December 14, 2015

Enjoying Christmas with the Guilt

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I made a very specific mental decision a few months ago that I was not going to overload myself or the family with Christmas stress.  We have certain things that we absolutely want to do as a family but beyond that, I wasn't adding anything extra.  One reason behind this was the simple fact that the last three years either the boys or I have been extremely sick.  Shoot, of those three years, there are two Christmas weeks that I don't even remember.  I didn't volunteer to sing in anything extra or sign up to do extra things for the holidays.  But, desipte all of that, I find myself thinking often that I'm not doing enough.  This is the first year, due to the online schooling program, that I have not based our December curriculum on Advent activities, Crafts, Christmas Books and holiday movies and I do miss that a lot.  (The boys have said they miss it too).  As I was starting to fall into that feeling of "I'm failing" I came across a  blog article that spoke to my heart so I thought I would share it.  I was reminded that what I'm doing right now is really ok.  The Lego Countdown boxes, the Grinch Countdown calendar, the simple crafts that are also gifts, letting the boys do all of the Christmas decorating and buying our Christmas cookies this year is all ok because it is allowing us to enjoy family. 

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Check out this great reminder at Simply Homeschool entitled This Christmas its ok . . .. .

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