Friday, May 15, 2015

Weekly Menu - The one without kids

This past week was good.  Mother's Day dinner was wonderful (my husband can grill a mean steak HA).  We enjoyed some awesome burgers and got to see the boys play in their first real T-ball game.  Now, though we are at the front end of a week without kids and you know what that means!! Not a lot of cooking!

Friday - I will be attending the conference most of the day - dinner will be determined when we eat.  Pizza? Taco Bell?  Whatever we grab? 

Saturday - The same as above

Sunday - We are in Traverse City so we will be eating there.

Monday/Tuesday - I WILL cook one of these days.  I'm thinking that Darryl will grill; probably steaks.  And then, I just heard of a new restaurant in the next town over that is supposed to have great burgers and fries so I think we might try that one night.  It is more of a "pub" so we don't really want to take the kids. (Or we will both be craving our favorite Mexican place OR we'll try a  new Italian place that is right next door to the Mexican place!)

Wednesday - The kids come home today and we are going to celebrate my mom's birthday.   As of the posting of this menu, I have no idea what I'm cooking yet :-) 

Thursday - T- ball Practice :-)  Two weeks ago, I made breakfast for dinner and I discovered that the boys were extremely hungry at about 9:00 at night (yep, they got out of bed and asked for food.).  So, something a little heartier - Chicken and Fries/Tater Tots.  I'll make Chick-Fil-lay nuggets for most of us and cook frozen nuggets for Nate since that is what he loves.

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