Thursday, July 24, 2014

Weekly Menu

This past week was simple - just Darryl and I and then a few meals from church.  Now it's time to get back into reality and real life cooking all while trying to keep the grocery bill as very low as possible!  I don't have a food prep photo this week because other than chopping up lettuce for salad I didn't do much.  The ladies from church supplied us with tons of fruit with their meals so the fridge was overflowing with fruit meaning that I didn't have to buy any this week.  I keep thinking my garden will produce some stuff but so far I've only picked a few cherry tomatoes.  Both the cucumber and zucchini vines have TONS of flowers but no vegetables yet.

So the plan for this coming week:

Friday  - Brats and Hotdogs with fries and fruit

Saturday - Beefy Noodle Bake, Salad and Rolls - This is a recipe a friend made for us before Darryl's surgery and I loved it.  I'm hoping it is as good when I make it!!

Sunday - My parents are coming over for the day so I have lunch planned :-)  (I'm keeping my mom in suspense.)

Monday - Orange Ginger Pork Loin with Rice, Green Beans and Rolls

Tuesday - Tacos, Beans and Chips and Salsa

Wednesday - Breakfast!!!  Amish Breakfast Casserole, Muffins, and Fruit

Thursday - Chicken Alfredo Pizza (for the big people) and the kids favorite frozen pizzas (for the little people) with salad.

This weeks meals are freezer/pantry based with the exception of Thursday.  (Meaning, I don't have any of the stuff on hand to make that Pizza).

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