Monday, May 19, 2014


Last week I posted about some things I wanted to get done while the kids were away.  I thought I would share some bullet points of where we are at in the process.

* My husband had hernia surgery this past Thursday.  It was a long day.  We left home at 9:00 am and got home around 7:00 pm.  Really, sitting around the hospital for hours should not be tiring, but it is for some odd reason.  I got to enjoy a quiet lunch in the Hospital Cafe, which was surprisingly good and so inexpensive - we should just "eat out" there more often HA!  I also was able to get a fabulous foo-foo coffee from Starbucks while waiting.  I tried hard not to laugh at my husband when I was finally able to see him after surgery but he is quite funny when he is drugged up :-)  He did have a fabulous nurse AND it was a very slow day in the post-op so we got to stay longer than normal which was actually a good thing.

* I know I had thought about painting and setting up a new entertainment center but, on Friday, I was exhausted.  Since a week ago Thursday I haven't slept well thanks to some unexpected hot and humid days (our room is very stuffy and hot even with a window open!) and then sleeping on the couch one night followed by the day mentioned above . . .I didn't feel like doing much.  I did manage a quick trip to the store to get some groceries but otherwise, we hung out at home all day and, yes, I did nothing.  It felt good.

* Saturday I considered going to the garden center but . . .I didn't.  I even thought about going to town and wandering the mall but ultimately, I was tired.  Darryl was still in a lot of pain so really, we just hung out.  I watched a lot of HGTV and Food Network while he napped

* Sunday . . well, repeat of the above HA!  We did sit out on the back porch in the sun for a bit in the afternoon but otherwise, we were 100% lazy.  Darryl was still in quite a bit of pain so we just . . ..enjoyed hanging out together. 

Do you see how much I've gotten done? LOL  Oh well, Today a little reality comes back with babysitting so I'm going to actually work on some things like scrapbooking and homeschooling.  My printer took a lightening his last week so am waiting for my new one to arrive on Tuesday which means . . no printing :-)  That really cramps my style  .. . .since I am a huge list maker and love to print stuff!

We are missing these two little boys this week.  The older they get, the more fun they are so when they are gone, well, we miss them :-)  Don't get me wrong, the break is also great but they are just so darn cute!!

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