Thursday, October 20, 2011

What I'm Reading

Welcome back to "What I'm Reading!"  I did not post last weekend for no other reason then I didn't have a chance :-) 

Over the past few weeks I've been reading an extended series by Lauraine Snelling - Red River of the North, Return to Red River, and finally Daughters of Blessing.   This is such a fantastic series that as I finished reading the last book in the Daughters of Blessing series, Rebecca's Reward, I went in search to see if there is more in this "family" only to discover that I'm not the only one who loves this little town!  Lauraine Snelling even has a blog that is called Postscripts From Blessing.  Guess what?  There is another series called Home to Blessing which continues the story of the family.  I'm already saving my pennies to be able to purchase the books in the series!  I just love these books!!!

As I finished up the above series I decided that I needed to start reading some of the books on my year end book list or I would have zero success!  This is a book I picked up as a new release at a great deal through another blog and I'm looking forward to digging into it.  I've only read the introduction and I already like the way Angie Smith "talks".  I love how she pointed out that when Satan asked Eve about the Tree in the garden, he didn't say "don't eat", he asked her if that is what she was told - he made her think, doubt, question.  Isn't that what we tend to do?  Get a shadow of a doubt and latch onto it.  I'm looking forward to actually getting into the meat of this book.   So for now, I'm going to focus on my reading goal and see if I can't get a few of those books marked off that list!!!

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