Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Too Cute Not to Toot!

It is back to school time so this idea for a chore "chart" from Thirty Sixth Avenue is just perfect for older kids.  It makes them more self-sufficient yet you can still be in control :-)

Here is a great gift idea or an idea for your own counter - it is a perpetual calendar using your own photos.  The idea comes from Pressed Down Shaken Together.  This would be a great use of all of those photos you get from your photographer instead of just sticking them in a scrapbook :-)
This is a smaller idea for books shelves (that I keep putting off) for my boys rooms.  I might need to plan a trip to Ikea . . .check out this simple idea from My Life and Kids.
This Name Puzzle from Sunscholars is such a great idea.   I am going to add this to my preschool ideas for later this year starting with the boys first names :-)
Sassy Sites shares another great idea for a chore chart.  This one is specifically for the family on Saturday - but what a great idea.  (She has a vinyl shop so you can order right from her!)
I hope you enjoy these cute ideas :-)  There are so many more ideas out there but for today, these caught my eye!

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