Friday, November 12, 2010

Thanksgiving Ideas

Over the next two weeks, we'll be working on lots of Thankfulness ideas for our "Mommy School" time.  I'm slowly adjusting our schedule with the new little guy who visits us daily so that we have time for some games, stories, and activities. 

One of the things that all three boys will be making are these great turkey paintings.  Just use their little hands, paint the palm brown and, if they allow it, each finger a differant color.  Than add some feet, an eye and the beak!  I love the little poem too!

Josh is really enjoying songs and poems with motions so this will be one of the poems that we work on over the next few weeks.

Native American Thanksgiving Rhyme

Thank you, God the Father (Fold hands in prayer)
Thank you, for the sunshine (Stretch arms overhead in circle)
Thank you, for the rain (Move fingers down)
Thank you, for things that grow (Move hands up)
Thank you, for good food to eat (Make circle around tummy)
Thank you, for families that love us. (Cross arms over chest)
Thank you, God the Father. (Same as first)

I found this great blog called Totally Tots.  It has all kinds of teaching ideas for both the home teacher as well as Sunday School teachers.  There are two differant Bible Verses that we'll be reviewing the next few weeks.  One is, Ephesians 5:20 and the other is Psalm 100:4b.  Both of these include a PDF file with a printable with the verse and colorful picture; a coloring picture and even the cut apart word squares to practice with older kids.  She has lots of verses in this format to use throughout the year. 

Over at Preschool Express is a Calendar with an idea list for each day of November to do with your toddler.  Some of the ideas include struting like a trurkey, visiting a petting zoo, making animal sounds etc.  She has other ideas for the fall too. 

Don't these look good?
The Idea Room gives the full tutorial for these so check it out!  Wouldn't these be fun to make with the kids?  She also posted a great idea for keeping the kids busy on Thanksgiving day before dinner or it would just be a fun activity to do anytime!
She shows more plate ideas and gives a link to get the pattern to draw on the plates here.

Finally, over at 1+1+1=1 there is an fantastic Thanksgiving Pack.  There are some very colorful worksheets to print all based on Thanksgiving.  Check it out, download it and use it!

I'm waiting for Oopsey Daisy to post her Thanksgiving Mommy School packet (she said she would!) but I also know she is in the middle of a move so we'll see :-) 

Over the next few weeks I'll try to get some pictures of what the boys and I do to learn about Thanksgiving and as I find more great ideas I promise I'll pass them along :-)

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