Thursday, September 2, 2010

"The Love of the Lord Endures

This weeks song is "The Love of the Lord Endures" by Joy Williams.  Several years ago, I drove to the Detroit area for a wedding of a dear friend.  I had a small part in the wedding so I went over for the rehearsal and stayed the night by myself since Darryl had to work.  On the way home, I heard this song and fell in love with it.  As soon as I got home, I looked it up and ordered the Soundtrack so I could sing it.  It was over a year later before I had that chance.  It wasn't long after I got the Soundtrack that we found out we were expecting Joshua and than I went on bedrest for the last 17 weeks of that pregnancy.  I continued to practice it though and it eventually became "Josh's" song.  Why?  Because at 13 weeks old, he was struggling to go to sleep . . so I held him close, sang a a few lullaby's to him and finally sang this at the top of my lungs over and over until he fell asleep.  The next night, I sang some lullaby's and than sang this . . twice and he was out.  That became our routine - I would sing a full misc. songs and end with this - often he was out before I hit the last chorus.  When I was finally able to sing at church again, I was practicing this song while Josh was in his jumparoo - he stop jumping as soon as I started singing and just sat there and listened - smiling the whole time.  It was too cute!!!  

Beyond the cute memories, this song has some powerful words:

The verses:
In all that I have found,
Your evidence abounds
I've always sensed your fingerprints
If I just look around

And yet this grand display
Will all soon pass away
So I hold on to the mighty truth
That your love is here to stay

Life has let me down
In wealth, joy can't be found
I've searched for peace in all of these
But I have always found . ..

And the Chorus:
The Love of the Lord endures
The love of the Lord endures
If there's one thing I can be sure,
Its that the love of the Lord Endures

Even though it has been at least a year since I sang this song, I still find myself humming the tune or singing in the words and it is one that I keep "in my back pocket" always ready to go. 

I hope you enjoy it :-)  It is currently # 1 on my player; I wish it was a better recording but I think you'll get the idea.

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