Monday, September 27, 2010

Lesson Plans - 18 months weeks 3 and 4

I was reading another blog the other day and loved - I mean LOVED - how she posted her "Mommy School" plan.  As I read her ideas she is doing with her son (and I'm going to copy them ALL to use with my boys) it dawned on me that someone might actually use all of the ideas that I have been working on to teach my little guys.  I mentioned this curriculum before and it is so great for the 0-2 year old age group.  I plan on actually using it with Josh until the end of the year, since I started late, and am thinking I may try to incorporate this fantastic new idea I just found starting in January.  Why did I pick 18 months to start?  Honestly?  The arts and crafts began in weeks 1 and 2 of the 18 month lessons so I picked up there for that reason. :-) 

So, with my current "Mommy School" we work in two week increments. Maybe you'll use all of this or maybe you'll use none of it :-)  In this post, I'll also give my time frame when I try to do the activities.  I will also do two different posts - one for each of my boys. 

18 Months - lesson 12, weeks 3 and 4 (there are some activities that are the same and carry through both weeks and some things that are done week one and some things that are done week 2)
Week 3:
Literature - "The Mine-O-Saur by Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen
              I try to read the story Daily - usually in the morning
Bible - Proverbs 18:10 - "The Name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous run to it and are safe"
            I print this out and post it above the changing table.  Than we review it each time we change diapers
Nursery Rhyme - Wynken, Blynken and Nod (find the lyrics here)
            I print this and post it on cardstock.  I keep it near the dining room table so that we can review it daily at meal times
Speech and Vocabulary - Explaining (at bath time) I am washing your nose, ears, etc.
           Obviously, we do this at bath time
Indoor Games - Somersaults - Help your toddler carefully learn how to do somersaults.  Put a soft quilt on the floor and some cushions for extra comfort.
           I try to do this specific activity 2-3 times a week indoors.  I make sure that Darryl knows the weekly plan so he can do some of these things during their regular play time in the evening too.
Music - 30 Scripture Songs, Little People Sing-Along Favorites, and Hymns - 16 Classic Hymns for Children
          In order to keep our TV watching down, I incorporated CD's into our day.  For each two week period I pick out 3 children's CD's and 2 "adult" CD's (meaning MY music!) Than I put the CD player on and let it play through all 5 throughout the day.  I change out the 2 CD's that are mine more often so I don't go insane listening to the same music - which is the same reason I add the two grown-up cd's . . .so I don't go insane listening to kids stuff.
Children's Songs - If Your Happy and You know it
        This is the thing I tend to miss - but I try to sing this throughout the week just whenever
Foreign Languages - Spanish - Green
       I do not speak Spanish but Darryl does some so this is his job :-)  We try to review our flashcard at dinner at night. 
Exercise - Painting with water - use a sand bucket and fill it half full with water; use small regular paintbrushes and "paint" on a dry sidewalk
       The outdoor exercise I try to do 2-3 times a week.  We often go outside more times than that but to keep it from getting boring, I don't do the same activity every day.  Also - some weeks, we take "field trips" in place of the exercise plan or outdoor games (see week 2) and go to a park or the play stuff at the mall.
Arts and Crafts - Red, Yellow and Blue Masterpiece: Cut shapes out of red, yellow and blue construction paper.  Help your toddler glue the shapes on paper and use crayons to add the final touches.
          I try to do the craft once or twice in the first week.
Film Fridays - Duke and the Great Pie War - Veggie Tales
        Because we don't watch a lot of TV during the week, I've made Friday mornings "Film Friday".  We watch a video every Friday morning as a special treat.
Week 4: (some things are the same)
Literature: The Beginner's Bible - Noah and the Ark
Bible: Same Verse
Poetry: " Cradle Song" from Now We Are Six by A.A. Milne.  (I couldn't find this on-line so I borrowed the poetry book from the library and copied the poems - all the poems for the 2nd year come from the collection of Winnie the Pooh Poems.)
         We review the poem at meals times
Sign Language: Teach the sign for Baby (find instructions here)
         I try to use the sign whenever I say the word "Baby"
Outdoor Games: Bowling.  Either use a bowling set or use a bouncy ball and milk jugs/cartons
        Again, I try to do this 2-3 times while we are outside
Musical Exploration - Rhythm Sticks - introduce the concept of rhythm.  Let your toddler use sticks and tap along with music (I just use it with my CD's)
         This is one that I don't always get to - but with music playing all day we do a lot of dancing :-)
Puppetry - Wooden Spoon Puppets - make wooden spoon puppets and than teach your toddler how to stand or crouch behind a chair and hold his puppet up for others to see
        We try to work on this 2-3 times a week
Nature Study - Go for a walk and point out the birds and/or other small animals
        The boys like to go for wagon rides, so I try to do this at least once a week
Film Fridays:  The Praise baby Collection - Sleepytime Lullabies.

If you want to see more on this curriculum please check out the following website:   This is where I got all of my plans/ideas.  I did make changes and left some things out but it is a great starting point.

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