Friday, July 26, 2024

Weekly Menu

 Whew!  It's August.  How crazy is that?  My oldest brother and sister-in-law come home from Brazil for a few months and that is always a treat!  We cherish the time we get to have with them when they are home.  August is also when I start working on school related plans and planning my homeschool classes.  We are racing towards fall and I'm not just quite ready for that!  Anyway, we still have to eat so here is the plan for the coming week!  I do have several carry overs from last week as plans changed throughout the week! 

Friday - Orange Crunch Chicken and fried rice 

Saturday - Dinner at my mom's 

Sunday - Crock pot Fajitas 

Monday- Tortellini Soup  

Tuesday - Stromboli and Salad

Wednesday - Breakfast Enchiladas and Fruit

Thursday - Ranch Chicken Club Roll-Ups and French Fries 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Summer Fun Week 7 - 2024


This was another great week of summer!  Josh and I kept busy with some things while Nate was at camp!  

Sunday - For the first time ever, our whole family played on the praise team at church.  Darryl and I play often, Nate has played a few times but Josh finally played drums!  It was great. 

Monday - Darryl and I took Nate to camp!  This is Nate's favorite week of the year!  After dropping Nate off, Darryl and I did some things related to driving for Uber (there is a car rental program Darryl was checking into but we learned it is not a good option as it is not run well)  and enjoyed our favorite lunch at the Adobe.  

Tuesday - Joshua and I enjoyed a great lunch with my mom.  Then later in the day Josh and his friend Ty helped some men from our church set a large bank of mailboxes.  

On Wednesday Josh and I spent some time with my Father-In-Law helping him with some errands.  He treated us to lunch too which was nice.  I didn't take any photos though!  

Thursday - I convinced (HA!) Josh to help me a little with cleaning the church before we headed to the Library for the teen summer library event.  He enjoyed a little "Amazing Race" fun with a friend.  The librarian took photos but I haven't seen any posted as of yet. 

Friday - This was our self proclaimed "do nothing" day and we enjoyed it!!  Darryl grilled some amazing steaks for dinner to top off a great day. 

Saturday - Darryl and I got to pick Nate up from a great week of camp! 
Nate and his counselor :-) 
Nate's cabin. 

We also had some days with amazing weather - not the super hot days we've been having!  The next few weeks will be a little less busy (I think!) .  Then it will be time to start thinking about school again! 

Friday, July 19, 2024

Weekly Menu

 I've been a little late posting the past few weeks so I'm working on this one early and will hopefully mean it will post on time!  HA!  Here's the plan for the upcoming week: 

Friday - Nate is still at camp.  One of Joshua's favorites is steak on the grill so that's what we will do!  Steaks, Souper Rice, and fried zucchini.

Saturday - Dinner at my mom's 

Sunday - Crock Pot Fajitas and Chili Cheese Dip

Monday - Tortellini Soup 

Tuesday - Dill Shrimp with Angel Hair Pasta and Garlic Bread

Wednesday - Breakfast Crescent Ring, Sausage Balls, and Fried Potatoes

Thursday - Double Crunch Orange Chicken and Fried Rice

Monday, July 15, 2024

Summer Fun 2024 Week 6


Wow!  Last week marked 6 weeks of summer! I feel like this summer is flying by and I'm trying to enjoy it as much as possible!  Here's a look back at our week. 

Sunday - We started our day with church and ended it with worship.  We attended our first Worship on the Waterfront (WOW) concert of the season and it did not disappoint.  

Monday - It was a pretty quiet day at home for the day before heading out to summer TKD training with Nate. 

Tuesday and Wednesday were both pretty quiet days at home.  I worked on getting Josh's transcripts from 9th grade complete as well as some other paperwork/computer work. 

Thursday - Our day started out with cleaning the church.  (Well my buys practiced music at church while I cleaned HA!).  Then, we went bowling with the Library (The teen library event for the week).  They enjoyed bowling with their group of friends.  Finally, my guys served at the community dinner with our church.  So, yes, a very busy day without a single photo! 

Friday - We had a meet up with our Co-Op at the local lake. Then Nate had a friend over AND Nana took us all out for ice cream! 

Finally, Saturday I had a bridal and a baby shower to attend while the guys hung out at home until it was time to head to my mom's for dinner and a game!  

Another great (and very hot) week of summer! 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Weekly menu

 I’m a day late but that’s ok!  Nate heads to camp on Monday and he is very excited!  The rest of us have to eat still though! 

Friday- pork loin, rice-a-Roni and green beans

Saturday- dinner at my moms

Sunday - brats and corn on the cob

Monday- my mom sent home the leftovers so will enjoy those!

Tuesday- shrimp and grits

Wednesday - crescent breakfast braid, hash browns, and fruit

Thursday - double orange crunch chicken, fried rice and egg rolls

Monday, July 8, 2024

Summer Fun Week 5


This past week was supper busy with lots of fun things!  

Sunday - Darryl and I took off on a road adventure that ended up being a little bit of a goose chase.  Darryl's dad was staying with a friend in Southern Illinois and was ready to come home,  Due to poor vision he is unable to drive anymore so we set off to meet him and his friend half way.  Well, through some communication errors and his friend struggling with directions a simple 7-8 hour day turned into a 17 hour day.  HA!  It was crazy.  But, in the end we got his dad home and he is very happy! 

Monday - We spent some time with my mom, brother, and sister-in-law for dinner and games.  I might have shared this photo last week but I think it's the only photo I took!! 

Tuesday - Another fun day with family.  We went and saw a great movie with the family!  I usually take a "movie" photo but totally forgot! I also had choir practice so it was a super busy day. 

Wednesday - Today was my choir concert - a special concert for the 4th of July with the local Jazz band too.  The whole family came out to enjoy it and it was a great night. 

Thursday - 4th of July!  We enjoyed a quiet day at home and then lunch with my mom.  Joshua and Nate then headed to a friends house for a pool party and fireworks. 

Friday - We were ready for a very quiet, stay-at-home day and that is what we enjoyed!  

Saturday - The weekend ended with an open house for a friend from church.  Josh and Nate then headed to their friends house (who the open house was for) to enjoy a bonfire with friends.  (My kids have a better social life than I do HA!)  

Friday, July 5, 2024

Weekly Menu

 We enjoyed a great week with family.  We had several meals at my mom's with my brother and sister-in-law, Ken and Lynnette which means that I have lots of planned meals that will be carried over in the coming weeks!  I reworked my July menu, double checked all of the ingredients in the house, and love that my grocery budget is fabulous this month HA!  It also means that I am going to alter from normal plan for each day so I can use up what I have on hand.  I'll get back to that plan next week! 

Here's the plan for the coming week: 

Friday - Slow Cooker, Zuppa Tuscana and Bosco Sticks

Saturday - Today we have the final open house for the season for a friend from church so that is dinner!

Sunday - Beef, Tomato, and Acini di Pepe soup and French bread

Monday - Amish Breakfast Casserole and Crash Potatoes

Tuesday- Baked Teriyaki Chicken, Rice-a-Roni, and Green Beans

Wednesday - Pork Tenderloin, Mac and Cheese and a Veggie

Thursday - Today my guys help at a community dinner.  :-) 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Summer Fun 2024 Week 4

 This past week included a week of camp and some family time

Sunday - We had a busy day starting with church.  We then headed to my mom's to have dinner with her, my brother Ken and sister-in-law, Lynnette.  Nate hung out there while Darryl and I took Josh to summer camp.  Nate also got to enjoy some time with a friend in the afternoon too. 

Monday - Nate and I had the day together.  We started with some shoe shopping, had lunch, picked up groceries, and then I took him to TKD while I went to choir.  Busy day!  Josh had is first day at camp and, as always, I was waiting for photos and these are the ONLY two photos the camp posted the entire week! (Can you find Josh?  I did - all because he always smiles at the camera!) 

Tuesday - This was our "at home" day.  Nate and I enjoyed a quiet morning/early afternoon at home before heading to my mom's to hang out, eat dinner, and play a game.  Joshua enjoyed another day at camp . . . . without power!  Some pretty big storms rolled through in the morning and impacted camp.  The campers had to stay in their cabins due to the lightening and then part of the camp lost power.  They had to alter a few things but really, they all still had fun.  

Wednesday - Another busy day!  I headed into our church to clean (instead of on Thursday) where I cleaned all afternoon and then went to a Ladie's Dine Out with my SS class.  Darryl and Nate went out to Taco Bell together and then just hung out. 

Thursday -We started with lunch with my mom before Nate and I headed to the Teen Summer Library program.  Later in the day he and I enjoyed the Fireworks that we can see right from our front yard. 

Friday - I headed out to pick up Josh and enjoy the final chapel at camp where they hand out awards.  Josh earned the Bible Award and his team also won first place.  We also enjoyed dinner at my mom's again with family. 

Saturday - we ended the week with dinner and a game at my mom's with Ken.  I'll just say that Ken did NOT win HA! 

Right now, summer is just speeding on by!