So, funny story. I wrote the Weekly Menu post that went up last Friday, two weeks ahead of time. Great planning, right? Then, I took the boys to the park on a Friday and wrote up a quick grocery list so we could run to the store and planned a completely different menu HA! Oh well, we had a great few days camping and had some wonderful food and that is all that matters!
Here's the plan for the coming week.
Saturday - This is my night "off. " Darryl either brings home dinner or we eat out.
Sunday - Burgers. I had planned burgers for, well, tonight (the day of this post) but we ended up with a graduation open house to attend instead.
Monday - Slow cooker Mozzarella Stuffed Meaetballs, Spahgetti and garlic bread.
Tuesday - Chicken on the grill,
Wednesday - Cheesy Crockpot Tortillini
Thursday - Tacos
Friday - Something on the grill