Last week calmed down a little after camping and hot humid days that just about put me over the edge and it was only the end of May. And now, it's June! Whew!
I'm less than inspired lately with cooking so the menu will look a little . . .bleak :-) My kids have VBS this coming week so that will add to the cooking bleakness since meals need to be fast to the table and quick to clean up to get out the door in time!
Saturday - We are heading to my parents with the promise of Chinese Food from their fabulous Chinese take out :-)
Sunday - Today is my nephew's graduation so all day will be spent with Family
Monday: Sloppy Joes and Fries. This makes everyone happy - is easy for Darryl to heat up since usually, during VBS week, the kids and I are eating before he gets home!
Tuesday - Spaghetti and salad. (I'll probably just have salad . . .spaghetti is not my favorite but my family loves it!)
Wednesday - The boys have T-Ball so we have a little more time to eat (since T-ball starts later than VBS would) BBQ Chicken in the crock pot (This stuff is so good!) Mashed potatoes (I'll probably cheat and buy the Bob Evans kind so I don't have to boil them in my "summer" kitchen (aka the hottest room in the house) cauliflower and Biscuits
Thursday - Tacos!! We will most likely be heading in for the last night of VBS tonight . . .
Friday - Pork Chops on the grill, Fried Zucchini, Mac and Cheese and Biscuits