Monday, July 13, 2020

Summertime Week 4 - Links and Looks

This week was a little different.  I decided that instead of doing individual time in the morning, we would take a break this week.  This is not a true "vacation" week (that's next week!) but just a little more fun!  I decided to make this week "water week".  I'll admit freely that the train kind of fell of the tracks this week HA!

Monday - The kids played with Water Guns I picked up in the Aldi "aisle of shame" a few weeks ago.  We kept the hose filling the bucket so they could refill the guns and then they played.

Tuesday - I bought a new sprinkler.  The kids liked it at first but then complained that the water was cold and they couldn't get used to it because it just "sprinkled" them HA!  Oh well, they can't all be winners!

Wednesday - So, I picked up a "splash pad" for the kids to play in . . .. but it didn't do anything.  The outside ring filled up but no water came spraying out of the holes!!  Instead, we went to the beach!  The kids were very excited!  When we arrived, there was only one other family; when we left, the beach was full.  Next time we go, we will aim to leave home about an hour earlier so that we have more time without anyone there.  I only got a couple of cell phone photos and they aren't great (plus I shared them on Saturday!)

Thursday - This was a free day because I had a meeting in the morning followed by grocery shopping.

Friday - It was a rainy day plus Friday Free Day so everyone hung out inside.

We still had a theme this week which was "Animals".  The great thing about this theme is it was super broad so I could pick any activities relating to any animals.  Since the afternoons are out of control hot this week, we kept our group time in the afternoon in one of the coolest rooms of the house - the dining room (right next to the AC unit!)

Monday - First, we worked on this really awesome Food Chain Petal.  This is one of these activities that I would have used in my class room year after year!  We followed that with a great game of Bingo - Animal Track Bingo.  Some of the animal tracks are pretty cool - we liked the Zebra track the best.  Finally, we started an Endangered Animal Lapbook.  I heard Nate call this group time our "Arts and Crafts" time today and that made me smile.  He is really enjoyed making Lap books and doing the various activities.

Tuesday - Today's plans changed because Nate's mattress came in and we wanted to pick it up.  That didn't change our plans . .. but when we put it on his bottom bunk bed we discovered that his mattress was REALLY tall and he couldn't really lay under the top bunk bed anymore HA!  So, our afternoon was taken over by cleaning, organizing the bedroom and taking apart the bunk beds!

Wednesday - Well, by the time we got home from the beach, had lunch, and everyone took a "clean the lake off" shower, it was 3:30 so there was no group time!  At this point, I'm going to save the rest of our "Animal" them for our next regular week.

Thursday - Today was a free day!

Friday - Friday Free day!  I have a graduation album to work on and finish so that was my goal for the day!