Monday, July 1, 2024

Summer Fun 2024 Week 4

 This past week included a week of camp and some family time

Sunday - We had a busy day starting with church.  We then headed to my mom's to have dinner with her, my brother Ken and sister-in-law, Lynnette.  Nate hung out there while Darryl and I took Josh to summer camp.  Nate also got to enjoy some time with a friend in the afternoon too. 

Monday - Nate and I had the day together.  We started with some shoe shopping, had lunch, picked up groceries, and then I took him to TKD while I went to choir.  Busy day!  Josh had is first day at camp and, as always, I was waiting for photos and these are the ONLY two photos the camp posted the entire week! (Can you find Josh?  I did - all because he always smiles at the camera!) 

Tuesday - This was our "at home" day.  Nate and I enjoyed a quiet morning/early afternoon at home before heading to my mom's to hang out, eat dinner, and play a game.  Joshua enjoyed another day at camp . . . . without power!  Some pretty big storms rolled through in the morning and impacted camp.  The campers had to stay in their cabins due to the lightening and then part of the camp lost power.  They had to alter a few things but really, they all still had fun.  

Wednesday - Another busy day!  I headed into our church to clean (instead of on Thursday) where I cleaned all afternoon and then went to a Ladie's Dine Out with my SS class.  Darryl and Nate went out to Taco Bell together and then just hung out. 

Thursday -We started with lunch with my mom before Nate and I headed to the Teen Summer Library program.  Later in the day he and I enjoyed the Fireworks that we can see right from our front yard. 

Friday - I headed out to pick up Josh and enjoy the final chapel at camp where they hand out awards.  Josh earned the Bible Award and his team also won first place.  We also enjoyed dinner at my mom's again with family. 

Saturday - we ended the week with dinner and a game at my mom's with Ken.  I'll just say that Ken did NOT win HA! 

Right now, summer is just speeding on by!  

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