Monday, June 17, 2024

Summer Fun 2024 - Week 2


Welcome to a recap of week number 2 of summer!  It was a pretty quiet week which I think all three of us enjoyed.

Sunday - I had a choir concert and my family got to hang out at home :-)  They come to 95% of my concerts but every once in awhile I give them a free pass to stay home and this was one of those times!  It was a fun, but long day. 

Monday - I finally have some time to focus on decluttering and organizing and that's what I did on this day!  

Tuesday - This was all about errands.  

Wednesday - My guys have some projects that they have to work on/help with during the weeks and we focused on those today.  That included some yard work and working on organizing the garage. 

Thursday - My church cleaning day so I'm gone a good portion of the day. 

Friday - A FUN Day!  We had a meet up with our homeschool co-op at a great ice cream place. Hanging out with friends is always fun! 

Saturday - We attended an Open House and then just enjoyed hanging out at home and relaxing.  We enjoyed dinner and a fun game at my mom's to wrap up the weekend! 

Next week will be busier for sure!  So a nice quiet week was so nice :-)