Monday, September 12, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday

Welcome to Muffin Tin Monday Sponsored by:

We did not do a Muffin Tin last Monday as it was Labor Day and I chose not to Labor in the kitchen (I.e we ate fast food for both Lunch and Supper!).  This week, I used some of the snack foods we had from Kick off Sunday to create the base for their tins.

Today they had Turtle Chex Mix (one loves the pretzels and chex pieces and the other loves the chex pieces and little chocolate candies), Apple Slices, Bread w/butter (my kids love bread so I put just a little butter on it today and they enjoyed it alot!), graham crackers and pumpkin dip.  My kids fully approve of the dip - they dip everything in it . . .my youngest even dips his pop tarts in it and sucks it off his finger like a lollipop HA! 

Make sure and click the button above to check out other muffin tin ideas!

The Generous Wife - A Great Marriage Blog

As much as I enjoy reading normal, every day life blogs (of people I don't know - does that make me a stalker? HA!) I also really enjoy blogs that help my life personally, my children, and my husband.  I ran across The Generous Wife several weeks ago and was quite impressed with it.  Each day she gives a helpful hint or idea to help you be a better wife.  (Her husband writes a blog also called . .. The Generous Husband, imagine that!).  So many of her posts are just gentle (and sometimes not so gentle) reminders of how we should be treating our spouses anyway. 

For example, on September 8th, she wrote a POST that talked about how to build your husband's reputation.  Just a reminder that what you say and how you act toward your husband needs to build your husband's reputation with others, not tear it down.  Make sure you don't bad mouth him to your friends or even do things in front of others that make others question who he really is.  Or, on September 5th, she wrote this POST where she encourages you to buy your husbands favorite candy and leave it where he can find it.  I love doing this - buying a bag of Peanut Butter Cups and sticking them in the snack cupboard.  I know that Darryl will open that cupboard eventually and I love seeing his look of surprise that his favorite treat is there!  It seems so simple but it is a reminder to be intentional in the things we do for our spouse.  Than there was this POST called "Fix It".  What bugs your husband - is it clutter? Being Late? an Unmade bed? Take time to evaluate the issue and take one item a week and work on it.  Fix the thing that bothers him most and work together to do it.  Sure, you have things that bother you so maybe after fixing one area for him, you can work on one area for you. It is another way to be intentional in how you care about your spouse.

She also normally does a weekly post of of Links to Blog Posts that Stood out to her.  Some of them are not for the faint of heart HA!  BUT they are good and you may find more that interest you!