Monday, July 15, 2024

Summer Fun 2024 Week 6


Wow!  Last week marked 6 weeks of summer! I feel like this summer is flying by and I'm trying to enjoy it as much as possible!  Here's a look back at our week. 

Sunday - We started our day with church and ended it with worship.  We attended our first Worship on the Waterfront (WOW) concert of the season and it did not disappoint.  

Monday - It was a pretty quiet day at home for the day before heading out to summer TKD training with Nate. 

Tuesday and Wednesday were both pretty quiet days at home.  I worked on getting Josh's transcripts from 9th grade complete as well as some other paperwork/computer work. 

Thursday - Our day started out with cleaning the church.  (Well my buys practiced music at church while I cleaned HA!).  Then, we went bowling with the Library (The teen library event for the week).  They enjoyed bowling with their group of friends.  Finally, my guys served at the community dinner with our church.  So, yes, a very busy day without a single photo! 

Friday - We had a meet up with our Co-Op at the local lake. Then Nate had a friend over AND Nana took us all out for ice cream! 

Finally, Saturday I had a bridal and a baby shower to attend while the guys hung out at home until it was time to head to my mom's for dinner and a game!  

Another great (and very hot) week of summer! 

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