Monday, April 18, 2022

A Little Recap

 Do you remember those spring break goals I posted a few weeks ago?  I figured it was time to update you all on the progress since spring break is done and gone. 

First and foremost, spring break was cold and wet.  I took full advantage of the dreary days to enjoy a blanket, book and coffee and I read.  I finished my book club book and started a new book!  It was great. 

Second, Joshua, Nate and I went through their clothes; cleaned out the winter stuff as well as summer stuff they had out grown; made a trip to Wal-Mart to purchase anything needed for the summer.  There was also an order placed on Amazon for the stuff we couldn't get at Wal-Mart (like Tall size Small Shorts - there really is such a thing!) 

Third, my main focus was photos/scrapbooking.  I went through and figured out where I had stopped uploading and ordering photos for the years I still needed to finish and then proceeded to upload and then order everything through 2020.  I put completed pages into scrapbooks.  I also cleaned out my file drawers and pulled out the last of the memorabilia that needs to still go into albums. I also was able to scrapbook over two weekends!  It's been since November so it was nice to get back into the groove once again.  Finally, I got all of the photos off of my phone, out of the cloud, and off my camera into my computer.  Then, I sorted them into folders by month/year.  It doesn't seem like a big deal until I state that all of that photo organization, downloading, uploading, and then uploading to Snapfish to order took about 30 hours total.  I still have to order a few months in 2021 and then January-March 2022 to be current but that is budgeted into May.  At that point, I will have everything ordered and ready to be scrapbooked so I can then just (hopefully) keep up monthly with ordering photos.  WHEW  Now I can focus on scrapbooking the photos instead of ordering them all.  

Now that I have my photos up to date again I hope to get back to my weekly "Week in Photos" post.  It's always fun to look back at it each year and see what we've done and what has changed!  

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