Sunday, August 28, 2011

New Reading Goal

Ok, in July I wrote THIS with my 3rd quarter book goal.  I had decided that I would use the library to get books and guess what?  That did not work for me!  Not having the books sitting by the bed or on the shelf meant that I didn't read anything.  Well, I've read a lot, just not any books related to helping me grow!  Therefore, I'm regrouping and I've picked out a list of books I want to get and read by the end of the year. 

I went in search of some new titles - well at least new to me.  I have a long list of books I'd like to read but these really stood out to me as I searched through a couple of differant sites.  A couple of the books have come recommended by others so I wanted to read them while they are "fresh". 

This is actually a book I started last year when I joined a book club.  I misunderstood the book club schedule and ended up about 6 sessions behind before I realized I was behind (I know, I'm a little slow sometimes!).  It is a thinking book so I need to just put it down and come back to it and that's what I'm doing now.
This book interested me when I first saw it and therefore I want to read it and see what the author's point of view is on the topic of satisifying your deepest desire with God.  Not with food.  This is not a new topic, but a new view on the topic.
This is a brand new book - not even released yet but I am so excited that another blog I follow shared it.  Angie Smith, the author, is married to one of the members of Selah.  I've read her blog previously and she has some great things to say.  I'm looking forward to reading what she has to say.
Have you ever heard of this book?  I hadn't until a friend invited me to a book study.  I was unable to go because they met at a local park - the kids were to play on the playground.  Well, with three little ones 2 and under, I just had to decide not to go - trying to keep track of them all while trying to listen and talk about the book was just not a good fit for me :-(  BUT the book looks awesome.  That same friend did a study on the book for girls and she said it was great.  Many of the conversations I won't need for years but to read about them and prepare is the best, is it not?
I love the theme of this book.  My husband and I feel strongly about raising our childrenr with "vintage values"  I am bothered by how far Christianity has come in the world and I want to raise my boys to respect and understand what God whats of them, even when it is hard to accept.  I'm so looking forward to reading this book!
This is a huge read right now.  So many people I know have read it or are in the middle of it!  I wanted to conquer it now so that I can start the "Happiness Project" in 2012 :-)
Remember this one?  I started it in my summer devotions but had to return it to the library.  I want to pick it back up.  I feel that as I start working on preschool with the kids, that I need to look at my ministry with my boys. 
I don't know anything about either of these books except they were the last two selections in the book club I'm in trying to follow.  (I keep missing the posts about the new books and don't read them until it is weeks later.!)  I'm sure they are good though!
This book, The List, is another one I don't know alot about but, when I read the synopsis on line it struck me as something I would enjoy.  It talks about excepting the things in life and enjoying the beauty that is around us.  I'm such a planner that when things don't go well, I often can't see what was good . .. so I'm hoping this gives me a good perspective!
So this is one I saw, and I don't remember anything about it so you will just have to wait until I read it HA!
FInally, this book, Conversation Peace, deals with how to make better conversation.  I am not a great conversationist and, since getting married, I've gotten worse because my husband IS good at conversation soI rely on him !!  I'm hoping that this book will give me some direction and help me be better in communicating with others!

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