Sunday, September 1, 2024

Werkly Menu

 Just like that summer is done.  While it’s always a little bittersweet to see it end I am ready for things to cool down!  Whew!! It was hot this past week.  

Friday - my guys are dog sitting for a friend so I think the plan is to get a pizza. 

Saturday- after a busy few Saturdays we are back to enjoying dinner at my moms. 😊

Sunday - Brats, French fries, and zucchini 

Monday - we are celebrating Labor Day at my moms 😊

Tuesday - a few repeats this week as our schedule shifted last week.  So it’s sheet pan nachos tonight

Wednesday- youth group begins tonight so Darryl and I will have pot pies. 

Thursday - another repeat - meatball soup and biscuits. 

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