Monday, August 26, 2024

Summer Fun 2024 - Week 12

 We had a great week last week as we are wrapping up sumner fun! 

My brother Kel was in town so on Tuesday we enjoy coffee together. 
Then he and my sister-in-law came over for dinner and a game. 
On Wednesday we went to my mom’s for dinner and a game. 

Friday started with a teen brunch with our co-op.  This was the boy table. 🤪

Then Nate spent the night with his friends at Monty’s family farm in their cabin.  

Finally, on Saturday we spent the afternoon at my father-in-laws with family to celebrate his 84th birthday! 

So lots of family!!  


Friday, August 23, 2024

Weekly Menu

 How is it Friday already? 🤣 we had a pretty busy week and I’ve been off on days since Tuesday because Darryl was home which made it feel like Saturday!  This next week is our last semi-quiet week before school begins which also means all the extra stuff starts too!

Friday - Nate is staying at a friends.  The other three of us are having grilled chicken, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. 

Saturday- we are celebrating my father-in-laws birthday with family so dinner at his house. 

Sunday- Angel crockpot chicken, pasta, green beans, and garlic bread

Monday- Meatball soup

Tuesday- Sheet-pan Nachos and salad

Wednesday - waffles and sausage 

Thursday - chicken enchiladas, rice, and salad

Monday, August 19, 2024

Summer Fun 2024 - week 11

 We had a great but quiet week!  Joshua and Nate enjoyed a werk at home to play online with friends who return to school this coming week.  I enjoyed tackling a few projects and reading 😊. Lazy days of summer at its finest! 

Sunday -  we attended our last WOW concert of the summer and it was beautiful- the weather and the music!  

Monday-Friday - quiet days at home

Saturday - we had lunch with my mom and then attended a friends birthday party.  

We have two weeks left before we start back to school! 


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Weekly Menu

 We had a super quiet week which was really nice.  This next week has a few more things going on including seeing my oldest brother and sister-in-law!! 

Friday - Mississippi Pot Roast, noodles, and corn. 

Saturday- we are attending a birthday party. 

Sunday - Swiss steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans

Monday - meatball soup

Tuesday - Kel, Deb, and my mom are coming over for dinner so, per Kel’s request we are having crock pot fajitas and chili cheese dip 

Wednesday- My mom is cooking dinner tonight 😊

Thursday - chicken fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Summer Fun 2024 - Week 10

 This past week my guys attended “Nana Camp”. My mom picked them up on Monday and brought them home on Friday.  They all enjoyed their week.  Here are the only photos I received - can you guess what the theme of camp was?

Yes, the theme was “games” ha!  

I’m glad they had a great week! 

Friday, August 9, 2024

Weekly Menu

 This next week is a pretty quiet week overall.  So not much else to say before posting the menu! 

Friday - Crockpot Sesame Chicken with rice.  The guys are headed to a youth activity with bowling and pizza so it will just be Darryl and I again! 

Saturday - My teens are busy. HA!  They have a youth activity today - the annual Lake Party (they attend two youth groups; both youth groups had their one summer activity on the same weekend!) Darryl and I may grab something easy or have leftovers :-) 

Sunday - Cube Steaks in the crock pot with gravy and mashed potatoes and corn

Monday -Easy Peasy Broccoli Cheesy Broccoli Cheddar Soup, Biscuits and Ham

Tuesday - Spaghetti Carbonara and French Bread

Wednesday - Classic Brioche French Toast and Sausage 

Thursday - Swiss Chicken Breast Supreme, Green Beans, and Stuffing.

That's it folks! 

Monday, August 5, 2024

Summer Fun 2024 Week 9

 This past week was one of our “quiet” weeks were there really wasn’t anything going on and we enjoyed it.  The timing worked out well because it has been super hot and humid the past week or so! 

Then on Saturday we attended my college reunion and reconnected with a few friends.  

The slow down weeks are nice as we start to close out summer because September will bring busy days! 


Friday, August 2, 2024

Weekly Menu

 Welcome to another week! This next week my teens are going to "Nana Camp" for a week HA!  What is Nana camp?  Well, they are going to spend the week with my mom and just hang out with Nana.  Since she lives close by and we normally (not always) have dinner at her house once a week it is easy to not set aside time for them to "go to Nana's" like they would if she lived a few hours away.  So, this summer, we decided to make sure that happened!  :-)  They are getting picked up on Monday and returning on Friday! 

Darryl and I still have to eat though and yes, we will eat at home for the most part.  Inflation is real so the budget is super tight meaning we need to not eat out! 

Friday - Stromboli and Salad.  This was slated for this past week but I needed to switch a few meals around.  

Saturday - I have a college gathering that we are all going to attend so we will have dinner there.  

Sunday - Crock -Pot Swiss Steak, Mashed Potatoes, and Green Beans

Monday - Creamy Chicken Soup with Pasta and Spinach with biscuits. 

Tuesday - I have a ladies dine out with my Sunday School Class that I am planning to attend so Darryl wil probably grab something or come home and eat leftovers (which is often prefers to do!) 

Wednesday - Shrimp Scampi with Linguini and French Bread. 

Thursday - Chicken Scaloppini Pasta, Biscuits and Green Beans 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Summer Fun Week 8 - 2024 (A little Late)

 Well, I forgot to post this earlier this week so I will post it now!  

Sunday - We attended another Summer Concert and it did not disappoint.  This time we got to See Micah Tyler and he was awesome.  

Monday and Tuesday were both quiet days without a lot going on which we actually enjoy.  

Wednesday - I had a Leadership Team Meeting and then after that we went and volunteered at a place called Manna's Market with friends from our Co-Op. 
Later in the evening, I had a Ladies Dine Out with my Sunday School class to celebrate the birthday of one of the ladies.  

On Thursday, we attended the final Teen Summer Library program of the summer.  It was a glow in the dark nerf gun party (Thus the paint on the faces) followed by BoBo Lemonade and Popcorn.  

On Friday we took pizza to my mom's for lunch and then the guys mowed her lawn.  After hanging out there for a bit, we headed over to another Library event - this one was at the beach where they got to learn about and then practice skipping stones. 

Saturday was a quiet day at home before heading to my mom's for dinner and a game! 

Such a fun week!