Monday, June 24, 2024

Summer Fun 2024 - Week 3


After a much quieter week last week, this week was much busier but with lots of fun things! 

Sunday - Father's Day!  We kept things simple this year.  We started our day with church.  Came home and enjoyed some of Darryl's favorites for lunch - Brats, Macaroni Salad, Fried Zucchini and Fruit Trifle.  Darryl and I then took a drive to his dad's house to pick up his mail for him.  I treated Darryl to a Mocha Frappe and it was just nice to have a little time just the two of us! 

Monday - Joshua and Nate started a week of Worship Camp today.  It is a camp they have attended for several years and always enjoy.  It is such a great way to learn more about how to lead church worship, work together in individaul bands to learn a praise song and write their own song.  They just have such a great time!  After dropping them off at camp, I headed to my mother-in-laws to "kill some time" for an hour before I met a long time friend from college that I had not seen in 30 years!  Ironically, she lived in the same tiny town as my in-laws until she was 7 so now her family comes back there to vacation/get away every year.  Anyway, this is the first year that we have been able to coordinate getting together for lunch and we sure enjoyed catching up!  

Tuesday - Day 2 of camp!  Today, after dropping my guys off, I headed to Biggby to meet my friend Jessica again for coffee.  We try to squeeze in 2 or 3 visits when she is here for a month even if it's a short visit like today as she had other commitments.  Then, later, I met my mom for lunch.  It was nice to enjoy lunch together and chit chat (even if she thinks I don't do enough of the "chatting" HA!)  No photos today though! 

Wednesday - Day 3 of Camp.  Nothing as exciting for me today.  We had our monthly Leadership Team Meeting for our Co-Op.  That took up my morning.  I decided to take some time to clean out my truck today.  It needed it :-)  

Thursday - Day 4 of Camp.  This is my "work" day when I clean the church.  After dropping my guys off that is where I headed.  

Friday - Final Day of Camp.  Finally I had a day "off" HA!  I didn't plan anything other than relaxing, watching some TV, and, did I mention, relaxing?  Darryl and I attended the end of camp Worship Celebration in the evening. 

Saturday - Time to get Joshua ready for camp! 

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