Monday, September 5, 2022

Weary Traveler

 I've shared the link to the song Weary Traveler more than once (and will again at the end of this post) and I do so because the song speaks to me so much . 

Isn't it easy to get weary?  I don't mean tired; I mean soul weary.  Where things weigh you down; you get trapped in the craziness of life and responsibilities.  You get discouraged by jobs and finances and expectations.  It can all be overbearing at times, can't it? 

As I'm facing another school year, I feel that weariness begin to creep in already because I know what homeschool takes; what it requires.  Don't get me wrong - I love homeschooling my guys.  I'm so thankful for the opportunity and privilage to do so despite the sacrifices we have to make to have it happen.  That doesn't mean it doesn't make me weary.  

Is being weary a bad thing?  I don't believe it is.  I actually believe it is the opposite.  (See, this is not a negitive post!) I think being weary is a good thing; it causes us to focus on God and what he supplies. 

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