Monday, June 13, 2022

The End of Another School Year

 We did it!  School is finally done and we now have a 7th and 8th grader! (What in the world!!!!)  This year was not the easiest year that's for sure but my guys still did great and managed to pull out all A's (it was questionable at the end HA!).  We have some changes in our Homeschool Plan for the coming year (more on that later - yes we are still homeschooling!) that I think we are all looking forward to but for now, we will put 6th and 7th grade to rest! 

This guy has really grown this year (not just in height either!).  He has become more independent and willing to question if he thinks he is right about something.  He's gained confidence in all areas of school but I've really seen growth in his writing skills this year.  He still would rather not do school (HA!) but is also willing to get the tasks done even when he doesn't want to.  He enjoyed History the most and Math the least and I totally understand that feeling! Onward to 8th grade! 

Nate is so easy going and just goes with the flow.  He sets goals for himself and accomplishes them.  He loves to finish ahead of schedule but also wants to achieve all A's.  He read books this year and actually almost liked it (He prefers watching the movie over reading the book!) and wrote some great papers.  He also had to record an argumentative essay which was something new!  He enjoys math unless he doesn't understand it then he doesn't . . .. until he understands it again . . and then he likes it :-)  He continues to grow in independence and is willing to ask questions to make sure he understands what he is doing.  Onward to 7th Grade! 

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