Monday, June 20, 2022

Summer Fun = A little more time at home and maybe being bored.


I'm taking the summer off!  Well, not really but I'm not planning our summer like I have years past. There are multiple reasons for this not limited to:

  • My guys are getting older and don't love my planning so much.  They want to sleep in and play with their friends (in real life and on-line).  One of them actually asked me to put nothing else on the schedule for the summer than what is already there! 
  • My mantra this summer is two-fold:  "Stay Home and Spend Nothing" and "Rest" (more on that in a different post a different day)
  • I'm tired of planning HA!  
You can check out some past adventures here: 

All of our 2020 adventures are HERE  and all of our 2021 adventures are HERE

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure we will do some things along the way - especially things close to home and things that are easy - just not quite so much planning.  Actually, my guys are attending Worship Camp this week so that will keep them busy! 

Oh, and don't worry, if you know me at all, you know I make lists and goals and plan no matter what which I have done - but it is more for me!  Scrapbooking, organizing, reading, school planning etc.  I'm not planning the kids days quite so much . .. well except for lawn mowing both here and at my moms. 😂

The older I get, the more I enjoy summer . . .well at least until it gets as hot as the surface of the sun day after day after day - then I don't.  These nice days in June when I can have the windows open are great.  I also love the break from school and the fact that we don't have to worry about the  "clock" quite so much each day to accomplish things.  I also love the days of planning.  Once school starts in the fall, it's pretty all consuming so I don't get to plan and accomplish things quite the way I'd like! 

Also, now that we are half way through the year, I'm hoping to get photos uploaded weekly again and share our photos each week so instead of a separate post  with our summer fun as I've done in years past, I'll just share that within out "week of photos" :-) 

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