Saturday, June 5, 2021

2021 Week in Photos #18

 This week held Memorial Day - yet it feels like Memorial Day was weeks ago . .. it was a long week!  On Tuesday . .. and Wednesday . . I thought it was Thursday.  On Friday Darryl got up and said, "Man, it's only Thursday!" HA!  Anyway, here's a look back at our week in photos! 

Saturday - We did outside work and started a project.  This is the "before" :-)  

He's such a cute dog . .. begging for food HA! (He didn't get any, don't worry!)

Sunday - Josh had a youth activity and we did more work outside (it was a perfect weekend for outside work!) 

We also burned our Christmas tree (The annual burning of the tree).  Once we take it down each year, it sits until it is fully dry so we can burn it - and it always makes quite the display! 

My little flower garden.  Nothing fancy - just some pretty flowers.  The lattice will get cut down and fill a space on the porch. 

Monday - Memorial Day!  We spent the day at my moms relaxing, enjoying lunch AND dinner and playing card games.  It was great day! (But not a single photo!)

Tuesday - Our first full day off of school . The kids slept in and played video games while I attended a Leadership Team meeting for our Co-op. 

Wednesday - I finally got around to taking our "last day" photos even though we officially ended last week! 
(Josh is stretching as much as he can to be even taller than he really is LOL  . .. which he is as tall as me now so that means he is taller than his AUNTS!!! 

Thursday - My mom took us out to lunch to celebrate the end of school! 

Friday - Friday School!  
This the board games class - they were making their own game.  Josh and Nate also are part of a Running Class where they track their miles run and then play games like Kickball. 

Finally, it was national donut day so, as Josh said, "We can't disrespect Donut day!" we got donut's thanks to Nana!  

What a great week! 

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