Saturday, December 5, 2020

2020 Week in Photos #47

 We had a quieter week focused mostly on school!  

Saturday - We decorated outside.  It was actually a nice day with beautiful sunshine.  I keep forgetting to get some photos outside! 

Sunday - I did more scrapbooking while watching lots of football!

Monday - Our main goal was finishing up Josh's science project that took nearly 3 weeks to complete!!  

This is the face of a kid who is SUPER happy to have this done!!  
So, this is the part of the project that took weeks - building a plant cell in Minecraft.  When Josh picked this format he thought it would be fine because, after all he got to play in Minecraft for school.  He figured out that it was boring and took f.o.r.e.v.e.r. HA!  So, for his Animal cell, he traced it and finished it in about 2 hours.  

Tuesday - More school! 
Dash, just because he is cute.  He was soaking up some sun. 

Wednesday - More School! 

Thursday - School followed by haircuts for Josh and Nate

Friday - We enjoyed a relaxing day since our weekly lessons were done.  Then dinner at my mom's and our daily Grinch Advent Calendar fun! 

And this is what I go through to try and get a photo: 

So, each night they pull a card and read a portion of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and get a small gift.  This year I am hiding the gifts and giving them really awful clues HA!  For example, tonight's clue was "Games are Fun, We play games, Do you want to build a snowman?" They figured out that I had hidden it by a snowman.  (It was one of those Triangle Peg games that you see on Crackle Barrel Tables).  

That's our week! 

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